ONLINE: Great fun with interesting facts about the elements and fantastic high resolution images. It may look a little clunky at first but this site is well worth a visit.
"This website documents, in great depth, a large collection of chemical elements and examples of their applications, common and uncommon."
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 9780007284870
ONLINE: A really good site with tons of Chemistry presented as infographics; I like this site as it is very interesting and makes you think about everyday applications of materials. Visually it is far superior to almost all other chemistry sites!
"Compound Interest is a site that aims to take a closer look at the chemical compounds we come across on a day-to-day basis, explaining them with easy-to-understand graphics. The site won the Association of British Science Writers’ Dr Katharine Giles Science blog award in 2018."
The site is run single-handedly Andy Brunning, chemistry educator based in Cambridge, UK.
This book has been around for ages so you will be able to pick up a used copy for about £2 plus delivery from ebay!
"Periodic Tales by Hugh Andersey-Williams is packed with fascinating stories and unexpected information about the building blocks of our universe. Everything in the universe is made of them, including you. Like you, the elements have personalities, attitudes, talents, shortcomings, stories rich with meaning. Here you'll meet iron that rains from the heavens and noble gases that light the way to vice. You'll learn how lead can tell your future while zinc may one day line your coffin."
ONLINE: This is fun!
"An entertaining documentary series in which a small team of scientists are transported to a remote location (deserted island, mountain valley, etc) and set various tasks that they must accomplish using only basic tools and supplies, and whatever materials they can extract from the environment around them."
ONLINE: UK Newspaper with a vast amount of current Science content including environmental news, medicine, technology, health and research.
I like this site because it doesn't just report current news but it also has articles on interesting scientific stories, history etc. It always provides context and always links the topic to other aspects of our everyday lives.
Podcasts, quizzes, images, videos etc. are all here.